Sam Buckingham
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You’re about to order your new favourite album 🙌

(and get ten powerful stories & life changing resources to help you rise up)


Hi! I’m so happy you’re here 🎶

I don’t know much about you (yet) but here’s a little about me….

I’m from Australia 🦘

I eat / drink chocolate at least twice a day, I’m learning Portuguese, I have a cat named Dinky and I’ve recently figured out how to keep at least 75% of all my house and garden plants alive (BIG WIN).

I’m also a self managed & independent artist, songwriter, producer and performer. And, in April 2022, I released an album called DEAR JOHN.

I wrote the songs in 2020, after the dramatic ending of a toxic relationship that - honestly - completely broke me.

With seven years inside the relationship and a few years afterwards recovering, healing & rebuilding my life, I lost more than ten years of my life where this relationship was the centre of everything.

By the time I was out, I couldn’t remember who I was anymore.

And, while I was (literally) picking myself back up off the floor, I wrote & recorded a collection of songs that would, ultimately, change my life.

Because the DEAR JOHN album, actually, has nothing to do with John.

I wrote it as a manifesto for how I wanted to live my life.

This album documents my process of healing, learning and rising up to become the woman I want to be.

Now, more than five years since that relationship ended, my life and internal world are unrecognisable from back then. I’ve transformed from a scared girl - thinking I had to prove myself and earn the love of someone who didn’t treat me well - into a strong woman so full of love for myself it sometimes makes me laugh out loud.

Yes, sometimes I feel anxious or sad. Sometimes I make mistakes.

I’m not some enlightened being living a perfect life on top of a mountain in perfectly pressed linen … and I’ll never pretend to be.

But I speak my truth.

And I share and receive love, joyfully, with incredible people who earn my trust over and over again.

I rebuilt my life (literally, from the ashes), and every day I live and keep building my dream life.

I’m free.

(me, literally minutes after shaving my head on camera for the DEAR JOHN video clip 👇 so liberating!)

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what is the DEAR JOHN Experience

(and why the hell did I create it?)

I’ve been sharing the DEAR JOHN album for three years now and I’ve had COUNTLESS people (mostly women, but other people aswell) tell me that this album has helped them change their lives too.

After three years of talking to thousands of women from all around the world on social media, email, and on tour, one thing has become glaringly obvious.

Sharing our stories is fucking powerful.

When I was swimming through the septic tank that was my relationship with “John” i thought it was just me. I thought I was the problem. I thought no one else could possibly understand.

When I started talking to counsellors and telling them my story, they shared information about patterns of abuse. I learnt that he was using textbook behaviour to maintain power over me and keep me in the relationship.

When I started sharing my story through songs, on social media, and on the stage, countless women started saying thinks like “it’s like you’re telling my story” and “thankyou for putting into words what I haven’t been able to speak out loud”.

Then, women started sharing THEIR stories with ME.

The more I spoke with women, the more I learnt that we have all experienced VERY similar things.

We’re all swimming in the septic tank together, but it’s so dark and murky that we each think we’re alone.

But when we start to speak, when we share information, and when we listen to eachother and learn from eachother we shift the very ground we’re standing on (or, in this case, we clean out the very shit we’re swimming in).

I don’t know about you but I’m fed up seeing women all around the world living as though we aren’t as important as the men we’re in relationships with.

I’m sick of seeing men get away with neglect an emotional unavailability at best - and violence, abuse and sexual assault at worst Every. Single. Day.

And I’m sick of seeing women so burdened with the emotional labour of trying to figure out how to “fix their relationships” with these men that we don’t have the energy, mental capacity or emotional bandwidth to care for ourselves properly - let alone rise up together and fight for the things that matter to us.

So, as a songwriter, an artist, and a feminist I’ve been asking myself for a long time - what else can I do? What else can I share?

I decided to create the DEAR JOHN Experience.

It’s the DEAR JOHN album (digitally & downloadable - so you can listen anywhere, anytime) plus the real, raw stories that go with them - and the lessons that were hard won, but life changing.

I’ve also included ten resources that helped me IMMENSELY while I was healing, learning, rising up and making the album… and continue to help me keep rising now.

My hope is that these songs, stories and resources will do the same for you 🫶

 I know this might seem weird…

Before we go any further I want to say…. I know this might seem weird!

Some random woman popping up in front of you on the internet, offering you an album, personal stories and an online experience that will Change. Your. Life.

Why should you trust me? And what kind of proof is there that these songs and stories are even any good?

Well, let me answer those questions for you 🤓

Actually, I’ll let some of my fans answer them ❤️

There are thousands more messages, comments, emails and conversations like this 😭 🙌

Actually, the response to DEAR JOHN is the exact reason I’m now plastering this album all over the internet and have jam packed this experience with stories and resources to help you rise up.

I believe in this album SO MUCH.

But, more importantly, I believe in YOU.

I’ve been seeing these songs resonate with people, all around the world, for three years now.

I’ve had people tell me that it’s inspired them, educated them and helped them heal.

I’ve had people tell me that singing along to these songs brings them immense joy, happiness and power.

I’ve had people tell me that this album, and my stories, have helped them find themselves again.

I’ve had people tell me that these songs and stories have helped them make empowered decisions.

I don’t claim to be an expert on…… anything really. And I’m not here to tell you what to do or how to live your life. That’s completely up to you.

I’m an artist.

My only job as an artist is to be completely honest and to share what I see, how I feel & what I know to be true for me.

My stories are here so you can find your own stories inside of them.

My songs are here to help you feel.

The resources are here so you can continue to learn and grow.

Everything is here so you can take what you want, leave the rest, and move forward in your life making whatever decisions are right for YOU.

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Making DEAR JOHN was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done

But, it was also the most empowering and rewarding thing I’ve ever done.

I co-produced it with one of my best friends, during a global pandemic, while recovering from the biggest trauma I’ve ever experienced.

I wrote every single word that you hear me sing.

Kent Eastwood (my co-producer) and I wrote every single note that you hear played on this album. We wrote the bass lines, the string arrangements, the drum beats, the choir parts, the piano parts, the guitar riffs…. EVERYTHING. Then we took the entire album blueprint into the studio and had incredible musicians play the music we’d written for them.

I had such a clear vision for what I wanted this album to be and who it was for.

I can honestly say, after three months of solid work (and lots of cups of tea), we 100% made that vision come to life.

And, honestly, while I knew I was making it for myself, I also felt very clear that I was making it for a woman I might never meet.

But I never ever thought that, three years on, I’d have SO MANY women telling me that that it felt like I’d made it for them ❤️

(in one of my favourite places in the world… the producers chair 👇 🎶)


These are my stories…. and I think they might be your stories too

In one of the darkest periods in my life I created strong, joyful music (that is BRILLIANT to sing along to 🎶).

It’s folk, it’s pop, it’s heart-slamming, it’s spirit stirring, and it’s full of truth and fire 🔥

Honestly, I’m damn proud.

And, even though the songs are stories in themselves, I discovered through the process of sharing them that there was SO much more to say.

So, for the DEAR JOHN Experience, I'm telling you my story with absolutely no filter.

Not because I have a burning desire to tell you all my deepest darkest secrets - but because, as Janet Mock says,

“telling our stories, first to ourselves and then to one another and the world, is a revolutionary act”

When we share our stories, we give others the courage to do the same.

Sometimes we give others the courage to make a change.

Sometimes we inspire someone to keep on going.

Sometimes we bring a smile to someone’s face.

Sometimes we make someone think deeply about their one precious life.

And, sometimes, we simply remind someone that they are not alone.

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You Get

🎶 WAV & Mp3 downloads of my album DEAR JOHN so you can save it wherever you listen to music

🎧 a private streaming link to the DEAR JOHN album so you can stream online or offline

🔥 ten videos, sharing the personal story behind each song, the core lessons of each song, and the life changing resources I used (and continue to use) to help me rise up

✏️ all the resources in one easy to access, hyper-linked document, so you can binge and slay

🎥 three official music videos from the DEAR JOHN album so you can watch online or offline (and learn the dance moves 💅)

🎹 three bonus piano tracks (and their live-in-studio videos) of reimagined songs from the DEAR JOHN album

🎙️ a never-heard-before live recording from my 2024 Cyclone tour. Recorded at Smith’s Alternative, when I was literally losing my voice. I know, it sounds like it’s going to bad but it’s actually AMAZING. I had to sing alternate melodies to suit my fragile voice and it gives the songs a whole new meaning and feel 💫 Includes seven songs (performed with Emma Dean on piano), stories and so many warm fuzzy feelings you’ll feel like you’re there at the gig with 100 of your besties

💪 a two week email series that goes even deeper into the personal stories and potent lessons of the album

🤫 secret bonus songs via email

 The album

Here’s the album track-listing, and a mini story about each song, so you know what to expect 😊

💰 RICH GIRL - about all the unhelpful things our minds (and other people) tell us.. this song is me saying “Nope. I’m not buying into that anymore

💥 DEAR JOHN - an actual letter I wrote to “John”, calling out all the things he did, and placing the responsibility of his actions back on him

❤️ WHOLE - all about reclaiming my power as a woman 💪

🐓 CHICKEN WINGS - i wrote this (while I was still with “John”) when I was feeling really confused and really low. I was looking for something / someone / anything to help me walk away

🔥 LET IT BURN - this song was inspired by a chapter in Glennon Doyle’s book “Untamed”... Sometimes, when things aren’t working for us anymore, we have to let them burn

🌳 GROWING TALL - this song was insired by Taylor Swift! It’s about all (literally ALL) my ex-boyfriends telling me I couldn’t be who I wanted to be / do what I wanted to. Fuck that 🙅‍♀️

⚡️ RUN - i wrote this in the middle of the night, while we were in pre-production for the album. When I wrote this song I realised I had SO MUCH more to say. So, I scrapped 70% of the album I had planned to make and wrote most of the songs that you now hear on the album (in a very short period of time 🤯). This song is about listening to that quiet (or screaming) voice inside of you that says “RUN”

💪 SOMETHING MORE - about learning to love all of myself, expressing myself fully, and demanding what I and other women deserve (like basic human rights, for example)

🤫 STAND - standing up for who you are and standing tall in whatever place you find yourself. This song is about not hiding, and not giving up

🌈 RAINBOWS - this story is deeply personal and I don’t share it anywhere else. It’s about guilt, shame, instincts, freedom, stepping into your power and allowing the rainbow to emerge from the storm

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The “Cup of Tea” Guarantee

I believe in these songs and stories so much that, if you don’t absolutely love the DEAR JOHN Experience, I’ll very happily give you your money back 😊

Just send me an email, tell me that it’s not for you, and I’ll happily refund you the full amount that you paid.

Seriously. I won’t even be offended! You’re taking a chance on me, and the risk shouldn’t be on you. If it’s not your cup of tea, no worries. It’s my 100% money back guarantee 🫖